Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Soccer Freestyle
I'm very impressed with Indi's desire and drive at her young age. She set her mind to be a great soccer player and make the Olympic team and she went after it. She wakes up at 5 in the morning to practice that is truly dedication. Also, she plays on a boys club team to better her skills because the pace of the game is faster and of a higher level then a girls game. However, she is the best freestyle girl in the world, but is under the radar at school. She doesn't strut through the hallways with everyone knowing her. I want to be as dedicated to something as she as and work hard to achieve my goal. She is so good at 10 she scored three goals even though the coach benched her after every time she scored because she was yelled at to pass the ball. I believe that she should pass the ball more, but if she scores the other girls shouldn't hate her for it and single her out. I hope she makes it to the Olympic team and is a great success.
High School Interview
I believe many people in this school have similar to ideas as at least one of these people. I think that the Marijuana baker idea is the most deluded because I don't think that people would allow a store like that for citizens to come hang out and smoke marijuana. However, i do find it the most interesting because i think if marijuana is legalized then this is a big possibly and i think it'll be very successful. I alos like the idea of becoming a pilot just simply because he isn't mainly concerned about the money he actually wants to fly airplaines for fun.
I'm most like the undecided kid because i want to make money, but i also feel that i need to go into a career that i truly enjoy working with. I want a job that pays well so i can enjoy the finer things of life, but i would much rather settle with a job that has less money and i really love what i'm doing then with a job that has more money but i hate going to work.
I'm most like the undecided kid because i want to make money, but i also feel that i need to go into a career that i truly enjoy working with. I want a job that pays well so i can enjoy the finer things of life, but i would much rather settle with a job that has less money and i really love what i'm doing then with a job that has more money but i hate going to work.
That was Then, This is Now #3
S.E. Hinton
Popular Fiction
pages 143-212
The books ending was something i wasn't expecting. The falling action starts when M&M runs away from home because of his dad making fun of his long hippie hair. Cathy and Bryon grew real close to each other during this time looking for M&M. Bryon started to find it actually easy to tell her he loves her and actually mean it. While Mark continued to bring in money, but Bryon never knew what he was ever doing. In order to get back at Angela Mark and Bryon hung out one night like they use to and picked up Angela, who still loved Bryon but was really drunk. They cut off all her hair and threw her in her yard past out. Bryon was really drunk and started to pour his thoughts out to mark how he was changing into an adult, he had a job a girlfriend and didn't want to get into fights anymore. Bryon starts wondering "What If" like an older person would and Mark starts saying that your still a kid and need to simply live in the moment. Mark tells Bryon he knows where M&M is the next day Bryon and Cathy go find him a the hippie house Mark told them about. Where they got their M&M lost his mind on an acid trip and had permanent brain damage. Bryon and Cathy grew even closer as the wept for M&M together. Bryon went home and found acid pills under Mark's bed and lost it, he called the cops and took Mark away. Mark was put away for five years and Bryon went to visit him once, but Mark said he hated him and he meant it. Bryon became depressed and again started to wonder "What If" i just told Mark to stop dealing he would've stopped.
I believe if Mark wasn't so lost in his emotions for M&M and Cathy at the time that he would've never called the police. But unfortunately he did and he knew he made the wrong decision he lost his brother and ruined his life at the same time. After Mark was gone all he did was stay at home depressed studying. He got good grades but had no social life. I feel terrible for both Mark and Bryon, but i feel the most pain for Bryon because he will hate himself forever. I also know that Mark will probably end up a criminal and return to jail after being released. Bryon's childhood is over and he will forever be wondering "What if."
Popular Fiction
pages 143-212
The books ending was something i wasn't expecting. The falling action starts when M&M runs away from home because of his dad making fun of his long hippie hair. Cathy and Bryon grew real close to each other during this time looking for M&M. Bryon started to find it actually easy to tell her he loves her and actually mean it. While Mark continued to bring in money, but Bryon never knew what he was ever doing. In order to get back at Angela Mark and Bryon hung out one night like they use to and picked up Angela, who still loved Bryon but was really drunk. They cut off all her hair and threw her in her yard past out. Bryon was really drunk and started to pour his thoughts out to mark how he was changing into an adult, he had a job a girlfriend and didn't want to get into fights anymore. Bryon starts wondering "What If" like an older person would and Mark starts saying that your still a kid and need to simply live in the moment. Mark tells Bryon he knows where M&M is the next day Bryon and Cathy go find him a the hippie house Mark told them about. Where they got their M&M lost his mind on an acid trip and had permanent brain damage. Bryon and Cathy grew even closer as the wept for M&M together. Bryon went home and found acid pills under Mark's bed and lost it, he called the cops and took Mark away. Mark was put away for five years and Bryon went to visit him once, but Mark said he hated him and he meant it. Bryon became depressed and again started to wonder "What If" i just told Mark to stop dealing he would've stopped.
I believe if Mark wasn't so lost in his emotions for M&M and Cathy at the time that he would've never called the police. But unfortunately he did and he knew he made the wrong decision he lost his brother and ruined his life at the same time. After Mark was gone all he did was stay at home depressed studying. He got good grades but had no social life. I feel terrible for both Mark and Bryon, but i feel the most pain for Bryon because he will hate himself forever. I also know that Mark will probably end up a criminal and return to jail after being released. Bryon's childhood is over and he will forever be wondering "What if."
Monday, March 28, 2011
That Was Then, This Is Now #2
S.E. Hinton
Popular Fiction
pages 75-143
Bryon decide she really likes Cathy and finds her to be beautiful, so he decides to take her to a school dance. Mark would've double dated, but he was already going with a group of guys. Bryon picks Cathy up from her house with Charlie's Car, who lent it to him for the night. He is having a great time at the dance until somebody tells him Mark is hurt, Bryon rushes out to the parking lot where Mark and his pals were drinking. Byron finds out that his ex-girlfriend Angela told some stranger to beat up this guy, who turned her down. They were fighting fairly until the guy reached for a bottle then Mark stepped in between them and told them to keep it clean. The guy then decides to hit Mark over the head with it, while his back was turned. Mark was out cold and need 8 stitches, Bryon was really scared and felt that he was going to loss his brother, his best friend. While Mark was sick they began talking about things have changed since they were little and things weren't simple anymore. Bryon's reply was that was then, this is now. After their mom came home Bryon changed his attitude to find a job and started to spend more time with Cathy and less with Mark. Mark also make some cash for them, but no one knows how.
I really believe that the message of this story is expirenced by everyone as they grow up. When people grow up, some of their friends do grow apart. I've had personal expirence where I've grown apart from some of my childhood friends. This is because people develope diffrent intrests and mature at diffrent rates. I believe Bryon is learning to live in the real world and Mark is still holding onto his childhood years.
Popular Fiction
pages 75-143
Bryon decide she really likes Cathy and finds her to be beautiful, so he decides to take her to a school dance. Mark would've double dated, but he was already going with a group of guys. Bryon picks Cathy up from her house with Charlie's Car, who lent it to him for the night. He is having a great time at the dance until somebody tells him Mark is hurt, Bryon rushes out to the parking lot where Mark and his pals were drinking. Byron finds out that his ex-girlfriend Angela told some stranger to beat up this guy, who turned her down. They were fighting fairly until the guy reached for a bottle then Mark stepped in between them and told them to keep it clean. The guy then decides to hit Mark over the head with it, while his back was turned. Mark was out cold and need 8 stitches, Bryon was really scared and felt that he was going to loss his brother, his best friend. While Mark was sick they began talking about things have changed since they were little and things weren't simple anymore. Bryon's reply was that was then, this is now. After their mom came home Bryon changed his attitude to find a job and started to spend more time with Cathy and less with Mark. Mark also make some cash for them, but no one knows how.
I really believe that the message of this story is expirenced by everyone as they grow up. When people grow up, some of their friends do grow apart. I've had personal expirence where I've grown apart from some of my childhood friends. This is because people develope diffrent intrests and mature at diffrent rates. I believe Bryon is learning to live in the real world and Mark is still holding onto his childhood years.
Virginia Commonwealth University has shocked the world by making the final four this weekend. They beat two of the best teams in the tournament, a number 2 seed Florida and a number one side Kansas. Kansas was predicted to win the entire tournament, but VCU was able to stun them by beating them badly with leadership from Rodriguez and a three point shooting percentage above 50%. Since none of my teams have made it to the final four i will be cheering for VCU to win it all, a team people thought shouldn't be allowed in the tournament.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Favorite Poem
My favorite poem so far was Mary Oliver's Wild Geese because it used nature to symbolize the world keeps turning. I find it very inspirational and it makes me want to get up after falling down. No matter what happens I still can try hard to find something better.
Past Reading
I have really enjoyed reading more then i have in the past. I've enjoyed most of the books I've read for the class and find myself reading instead of watching t.v. sometimes for fun. My favorite book so far was World War Z because I like zombie movies and video games. However, I feel that the book has brought me the must excitement out of all three. I truly like the situations present in the book and the way it was written. Th writing style of this book is very unique and i enjoy the narrators reports of different encounters around the world. I hope i continue to enjoy reading and find some other great books that interest me.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Bracket poll, still Hope
Even though my bracket took a major hit, I'm still only 20 points back from 1st place, putting me in a tie for 2nd out of 40 people. Potentially my bracket has a shot to win it, but some major teams need to loss and my two final four teams remaining need to win. Duke and UNC need to make it to the final four for me to have a chance of coming out of this with a win. It would also help if Kansas and Ohio State lost. A lot of things need to fall my way, in order to win the $200, but it's still possible.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Jimmer of BYU has led his team to the sweet 16. He can shoot father and better then anyone in the league right now and does it on a consistent bases. I wouldn't want to play BYU right now because Jimmer is certainly a force to be reckoned with. It doesn't matter if you double team him he will launch up a three pointer falling over and still drain it. BYU might have a chance to beat Florida.
Bracket Busters
My NCAA bracket has self destructed over the weekend. My national champion runner up, Pitt, was knocked out in the second round by butler. I also lost two of my elite eight picks. West Virginia looked like they were going to win the game, but fail apart in the second. While Gonzaga never had a chance when Jimmer of BYU starts hitting threes from half court basically with his eyes closed. This year my bracket has been a complete bust so now its time to rout for Jimmer and DUKE!!! Lets go.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
That was Then, This is Now
S.E. Hinton
Popular Fiction
pages 1-75
Since childhood, Bryon and Mark have been as close as brothers since they were little kids. They live in inner city of Chicago and are now juniors in high school. Bryon is very good at pool and the story starts off with them going into Charlie's bar and hustling guys out of $100 to make some quick cash. They then meet up with a younger kid named M&M. He got his nick name because he always had a bad of candy with him. As M&M leaves the store leaves the store he gets corned by Curly Shepard, one of the dumb hood in the Shepard gang. He starts shoving M&M around and beating him up a little. Mark and Bryon rush out of the store and surprise the two guys pinning them to the ground. M&M didn't like fighting and told them to let the Shepards go, he said he didn't believe in hurting someone else just because they were different. M informs them that his old sister Cathy is back from private school and will be attending their public school this year. Bryon doesn't remember much about Cathy, but can't help to thik that she was beautiful. The next day the boys go to the hospital after school to visit their mom. Their father left them and Bryon's mom adopted Mark. They had to raise money for the surgery, and Mark always had some extra cash. Bryon never asked where he got the money, but knew Mark was real bad when it came to stealing things and Mark couldn't see what was bad about it.
I really like this book because I can see how this can relate to many teenagers lives in the inner cities. I've never hustled or stole anything, but I'm sure this happens a lot in tough cities. However, I can relate to Mark and Bryon's fighting to help out M&M. My friends and I would never let anyone pick on someone. We would always stick up for someone no matter how different they were. from what I've read so far I can interpret some of the foreshadowing that Mark may get in trouble by stealing something and Bryon will fall in love with Cathy.
Popular Fiction
pages 1-75
Since childhood, Bryon and Mark have been as close as brothers since they were little kids. They live in inner city of Chicago and are now juniors in high school. Bryon is very good at pool and the story starts off with them going into Charlie's bar and hustling guys out of $100 to make some quick cash. They then meet up with a younger kid named M&M. He got his nick name because he always had a bad of candy with him. As M&M leaves the store leaves the store he gets corned by Curly Shepard, one of the dumb hood in the Shepard gang. He starts shoving M&M around and beating him up a little. Mark and Bryon rush out of the store and surprise the two guys pinning them to the ground. M&M didn't like fighting and told them to let the Shepards go, he said he didn't believe in hurting someone else just because they were different. M informs them that his old sister Cathy is back from private school and will be attending their public school this year. Bryon doesn't remember much about Cathy, but can't help to thik that she was beautiful. The next day the boys go to the hospital after school to visit their mom. Their father left them and Bryon's mom adopted Mark. They had to raise money for the surgery, and Mark always had some extra cash. Bryon never asked where he got the money, but knew Mark was real bad when it came to stealing things and Mark couldn't see what was bad about it.
I really like this book because I can see how this can relate to many teenagers lives in the inner cities. I've never hustled or stole anything, but I'm sure this happens a lot in tough cities. However, I can relate to Mark and Bryon's fighting to help out M&M. My friends and I would never let anyone pick on someone. We would always stick up for someone no matter how different they were. from what I've read so far I can interpret some of the foreshadowing that Mark may get in trouble by stealing something and Bryon will fall in love with Cathy.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Positively Fifth Street #3
James McManus
Literary Fiction
Pages 70-103
Ted Binion didn't start his gambling enterprise in las Vegas, but instead he got his start in Texas. He held small poker competitions at a court house late into the night. He didn't make a lot of money to start off with,but he soon become a major gambling boss. In world war 2 his business began to rapidly expand and he was soon targeted regularly by the government for illegal gambling. In 1946 his sheriff got beat and he decided to take off for Las Vegas with his family and $2 million in cash. Meyer Lansky trained Benion in the art of criminal and legitimate business practices. Lansky was a gangster like Al Capone, who made alot of money during prohibition by selling illegal liquor and prostitution. Binion took over the El dorado casino on Fremont and renamed it the Horseshoe, the same hotel that Jim will be playing the world series of poker tournament. Binion ran his casino just like in the old school gangster movies. he didn't call the cops when someone was cheating, he got his bodyguards to beath him with bat. he believed the past way to keep people from cheating was intimidation and it worked.
So far i really enjoy the book. I really like the idea of how Binion ran the Casino. However, the scary part is that the managers would truly do these things. For example, cheaters would get beat by bats and have their bones broken. Binion order hits on people that didn't pay their debt and I'm sure old gang managers did the same in the 50s. This book relates a lot to one of my favorite movies Casino in the aspect of managing a casino in the old days.
Literary Fiction
Pages 70-103
Ted Binion didn't start his gambling enterprise in las Vegas, but instead he got his start in Texas. He held small poker competitions at a court house late into the night. He didn't make a lot of money to start off with,but he soon become a major gambling boss. In world war 2 his business began to rapidly expand and he was soon targeted regularly by the government for illegal gambling. In 1946 his sheriff got beat and he decided to take off for Las Vegas with his family and $2 million in cash. Meyer Lansky trained Benion in the art of criminal and legitimate business practices. Lansky was a gangster like Al Capone, who made alot of money during prohibition by selling illegal liquor and prostitution. Binion took over the El dorado casino on Fremont and renamed it the Horseshoe, the same hotel that Jim will be playing the world series of poker tournament. Binion ran his casino just like in the old school gangster movies. he didn't call the cops when someone was cheating, he got his bodyguards to beath him with bat. he believed the past way to keep people from cheating was intimidation and it worked.
So far i really enjoy the book. I really like the idea of how Binion ran the Casino. However, the scary part is that the managers would truly do these things. For example, cheaters would get beat by bats and have their bones broken. Binion order hits on people that didn't pay their debt and I'm sure old gang managers did the same in the 50s. This book relates a lot to one of my favorite movies Casino in the aspect of managing a casino in the old days.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
NCAA prediction
My final four predictions are ND, Duke, Pitt, and UNC. These teams have started to peek towards the end of the season and are very well rounded. I believe that UNC has some of the best talent in the tournament it just depends if they show up to play, which they need to do to go far. I also think Pitt will win it all just due to their overall streagnth at the guard position. They have 3 of the best guards in the country and now have a dominant inside force. Wanamaker is a potential player of the year canidate and has led his team to a big east conference chapionship.
Other notables to look out for are: Conneticut, Texas, Kansas, and West Virginia
Other notables to look out for are: Conneticut, Texas, Kansas, and West Virginia
Positively Fifth Street #2
James McManus
Literary Fiction
Pages 33-70
Jim the narrator takes a plain to Las Vegas to cover the Ted Binion murder trial and compete in the world series event. Jim's wife thinks that this is entire waste of money and believes that Jim is simply dead money. Dead money is the money that gets added to the winnings, but the people don't make it into the money rounds; therefore, they don't get any of the winnings. 1st place gets 1 million dollars while 2nd gets 600,000 and 27th gets 16,000. His wife allows him to go blow his bonus to compete in the tournament, but packs in his suite case a message reminding him off the dangerous of being addicted to high risks. The note reads, "the longer the addiction goes untreated the greater the probability of arrest and imprisonment. The disease can wreck family, career, and even life." Jim first learned to play poker from his uncle and only played with a couple of his buddies maybe once a month. The risk were never extremely high and they only played for fun. Jim found himself being drawn into the game and began reading every poker book he could get. he read guides from past champions and books with the probabilities and statistics of each hand. He got his main practice preparing for the tournament on online poker tournaments for free. Over the winter he played over 10,00 virtual hands and won 7 tournaments. By the time he got to Las Vegas he felt that he was ready to played, but nothing could've prepared him for the nerves he would face with the risk of losing 10,000 dollars.
If I had the money to enter into the tournament I would. Like Ted I get very excited and intense over taking risk, its an adrenaline rush. I love picking sports teams to win and playing sports to see who is the best, but I would never risk 10,000 dollars unless I was a millionaire. So far this book has talked about how people are drawn to risk and I completely agree with it. Most people enjoy the adrenaline rush of winning and the possibility of losing.
Literary Fiction
Pages 33-70
Jim the narrator takes a plain to Las Vegas to cover the Ted Binion murder trial and compete in the world series event. Jim's wife thinks that this is entire waste of money and believes that Jim is simply dead money. Dead money is the money that gets added to the winnings, but the people don't make it into the money rounds; therefore, they don't get any of the winnings. 1st place gets 1 million dollars while 2nd gets 600,000 and 27th gets 16,000. His wife allows him to go blow his bonus to compete in the tournament, but packs in his suite case a message reminding him off the dangerous of being addicted to high risks. The note reads, "the longer the addiction goes untreated the greater the probability of arrest and imprisonment. The disease can wreck family, career, and even life." Jim first learned to play poker from his uncle and only played with a couple of his buddies maybe once a month. The risk were never extremely high and they only played for fun. Jim found himself being drawn into the game and began reading every poker book he could get. he read guides from past champions and books with the probabilities and statistics of each hand. He got his main practice preparing for the tournament on online poker tournaments for free. Over the winter he played over 10,00 virtual hands and won 7 tournaments. By the time he got to Las Vegas he felt that he was ready to played, but nothing could've prepared him for the nerves he would face with the risk of losing 10,000 dollars.
If I had the money to enter into the tournament I would. Like Ted I get very excited and intense over taking risk, its an adrenaline rush. I love picking sports teams to win and playing sports to see who is the best, but I would never risk 10,000 dollars unless I was a millionaire. So far this book has talked about how people are drawn to risk and I completely agree with it. Most people enjoy the adrenaline rush of winning and the possibility of losing.
Peter Rabbit
The Tale of Peter Rabbit was one of my favorite little kids novels. I forgot must of the story, but seeing the cover makes me want to read it again. I loved the rabbits and how they took the risk of going into the garden. The thrill of wandering if the rabbit was going to make it out of the garden or get caught by the farmer. Reading Peter Rabbit in my mind was such a thrill and i can't wait to read it again.
Monday, March 14, 2011
March Maddness
The NCAA tournament is about to begin and I have already filled out two brackets. This is my favorite sports tournament for any event. I love watching the top teams dominating the 16th seeds and the hopeful Cinderellas upsetting a number 2 seed. This year i have Pitt going all the way, they are in an easier bracket and have 3 of the most talented guards this year. They also have a possible player of the year candidate in Wanamaker. I can't wait for the first games to start and watch my picks soar to the top or fall short and prove to be disappointments.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Positively Fifth Street
James McManu
Literary Fiction
Pages 1-33
The story starts off with the murder of Ted Binion, the icon and in many ways the godfather of no limit Texas hold'em. He was a Vegas man; he was addicted to heroin, alcohol, gambling, sex, and poker. Sandy Murphy and Rick Tabish were close friends to Ted, but were also his murders. Why would anyone want to kill Ted you may ask, simple the incentive of money. Ted Binion was the king of poker, he mad a fortunate off of it and started the world series of poker tournament. He made tens of millions of dollars every tournament he held because so many people were addicted to gambling. They would through away 10,000 dollars to compete in the tournament hoping to make the money. The narrator is a writer who is to go to Las Vegas and report the Binion trial. He is also suppose to analyse the success of different genders and origins at the poker tournament. He decides to enter the tournament himself because he enjoys the risk of gambling and the excitement of winning money. He uses his bonus to pay the 10,000 buy in and the journey begins.
I love poker, but rarely play for money. However, when playing with money it does make you feel more intense and excited. Your adrenaline starts pumping and the success of victory is so much sweeter. I love the idea of high risk high reward, but would never gamble away 10,000 dollars on a card game. So far i enjoy the book and can't wait till the narrator starts playing people in poker. i believe that Tabish and Murphy will get away with murder because of their fancy attorneys.
Literary Fiction
Pages 1-33
The story starts off with the murder of Ted Binion, the icon and in many ways the godfather of no limit Texas hold'em. He was a Vegas man; he was addicted to heroin, alcohol, gambling, sex, and poker. Sandy Murphy and Rick Tabish were close friends to Ted, but were also his murders. Why would anyone want to kill Ted you may ask, simple the incentive of money. Ted Binion was the king of poker, he mad a fortunate off of it and started the world series of poker tournament. He made tens of millions of dollars every tournament he held because so many people were addicted to gambling. They would through away 10,000 dollars to compete in the tournament hoping to make the money. The narrator is a writer who is to go to Las Vegas and report the Binion trial. He is also suppose to analyse the success of different genders and origins at the poker tournament. He decides to enter the tournament himself because he enjoys the risk of gambling and the excitement of winning money. He uses his bonus to pay the 10,000 buy in and the journey begins.
I love poker, but rarely play for money. However, when playing with money it does make you feel more intense and excited. Your adrenaline starts pumping and the success of victory is so much sweeter. I love the idea of high risk high reward, but would never gamble away 10,000 dollars on a card game. So far i enjoy the book and can't wait till the narrator starts playing people in poker. i believe that Tabish and Murphy will get away with murder because of their fancy attorneys.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
World War Z
Max Brooks
Literary Fiction
Pages 374-404
America was the first to eradicate the zombie infection, but the rest of the world is still struggling against the infection. America has established its continent as a zombie free, which was suppose to establish a sense of security. However, the society will always fear the zombies and it'll take centuries to restore the nation's confidence. Even though the nation was declared safe people were very cautious in returning home. Also, the United States military had to travel across seas to help their allies who were having no success in killing the zombies. The war was harsh and long, but the humans avoid extinction and were able to eradicate most of the zombies. This war has effected society greatly. People went insane and some people will never be able to let there guard down.
I believe that the society will always be in constant fear of the zombies and will never ever to be at ease. I hope that the soldiers will be able to forget of the tragedies they have experienced and move on with their lives. They never figured out how to kill the zombies in the ocean, therefore i fear that its only a metter of time for the next outbreak to begin.
Literary Fiction
Pages 374-404
America was the first to eradicate the zombie infection, but the rest of the world is still struggling against the infection. America has established its continent as a zombie free, which was suppose to establish a sense of security. However, the society will always fear the zombies and it'll take centuries to restore the nation's confidence. Even though the nation was declared safe people were very cautious in returning home. Also, the United States military had to travel across seas to help their allies who were having no success in killing the zombies. The war was harsh and long, but the humans avoid extinction and were able to eradicate most of the zombies. This war has effected society greatly. People went insane and some people will never be able to let there guard down.
I believe that the society will always be in constant fear of the zombies and will never ever to be at ease. I hope that the soldiers will be able to forget of the tragedies they have experienced and move on with their lives. They never figured out how to kill the zombies in the ocean, therefore i fear that its only a metter of time for the next outbreak to begin.
Monday, March 7, 2011
World War Z
Max Brooks
Literary Fiction
Pages 328-374
America's assault on the Zombies was entirely different then Europe's in the sense that America's assault was strategically planned and the military personnel were well trained and their were minimal casualties. In Europe the military didn't plan out any assault they marched into the cities without and strategy and hoped to eradicate the Zombies. This was a horrible idea because zombies could come from any building or back ally way. The Americana's used blow horns to draw the zombies out of the cities and into open territory for a reason. Millions of people live in major cities across the world and those people were now zombies. The Europeans suffered many hard losses to the zombie hoard es within the city because of running out of ammunition and getting trapped in from all streets by Zs. The push to liberate Europe from all zombies was a one of pain and suffering. One of the most gruesome facts was after every squad went down, it meant that they only strengthened the Zombies numbers. The Europeans didn't have a battle of Hope where their confidence was restored, they fought the entire war scarred and knowing that many of them would be killed and reanimated as Zombies.
I believe that if the Europeans government would've followed Americas strategic planned that they could have successfully assaulted the zombies with less casualties. I also believed that because of their many failed attempts the militarise morale was plummeting knowing that they would have to kill their buddies, who came back from the dead to only devour them. It would pain me to be bitten by one of the zombies and knowing that i was going to change. The military forced officer to execute infected military personnel. It's heartbreaking that the officer were forced to do this and many of them couldn't coup and killed themselves. War is a horrible thing and violence can only bring suffering.
Literary Fiction
Pages 328-374
America's assault on the Zombies was entirely different then Europe's in the sense that America's assault was strategically planned and the military personnel were well trained and their were minimal casualties. In Europe the military didn't plan out any assault they marched into the cities without and strategy and hoped to eradicate the Zombies. This was a horrible idea because zombies could come from any building or back ally way. The Americana's used blow horns to draw the zombies out of the cities and into open territory for a reason. Millions of people live in major cities across the world and those people were now zombies. The Europeans suffered many hard losses to the zombie hoard es within the city because of running out of ammunition and getting trapped in from all streets by Zs. The push to liberate Europe from all zombies was a one of pain and suffering. One of the most gruesome facts was after every squad went down, it meant that they only strengthened the Zombies numbers. The Europeans didn't have a battle of Hope where their confidence was restored, they fought the entire war scarred and knowing that many of them would be killed and reanimated as Zombies.
I believe that if the Europeans government would've followed Americas strategic planned that they could have successfully assaulted the zombies with less casualties. I also believed that because of their many failed attempts the militarise morale was plummeting knowing that they would have to kill their buddies, who came back from the dead to only devour them. It would pain me to be bitten by one of the zombies and knowing that i was going to change. The military forced officer to execute infected military personnel. It's heartbreaking that the officer were forced to do this and many of them couldn't coup and killed themselves. War is a horrible thing and violence can only bring suffering.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Weekend blog assignment: Spellbound
1. Pick any two of the students in Spellbound and compare and contrast what you see as their motivations for pursuing success in the National Spelling Bee.
I believe Nupur and Neil are both very self motivated and want to achieve success. I think they stive for perfection and push themselves to achieve it to be successful not only for themselves, but to make their parents proud. They are both pushed hard by their paraents and I believed they feel pressured to win for their parents. Both of their parents are successful and they only wish to pursue in their footsteps to make them proud.
I feel that Ted Bringham is motivated by his teachers and himself to make it to washington where he can find other kids as intelligent as he is. His parents are already proud of him and want him to win, but more importantly to develop frienships with other kids. Since Ted lives out on the country not many people are as smart as him and see him as an outsider because of his intelligence. In Washington Ted can truely be himself and make lasting bonds with the people at the nation spelling bee.
I believe Nupur and Neil are both very self motivated and want to achieve success. I think they stive for perfection and push themselves to achieve it to be successful not only for themselves, but to make their parents proud. They are both pushed hard by their paraents and I believed they feel pressured to win for their parents. Both of their parents are successful and they only wish to pursue in their footsteps to make them proud.
I feel that Ted Bringham is motivated by his teachers and himself to make it to washington where he can find other kids as intelligent as he is. His parents are already proud of him and want him to win, but more importantly to develop frienships with other kids. Since Ted lives out on the country not many people are as smart as him and see him as an outsider because of his intelligence. In Washington Ted can truely be himself and make lasting bonds with the people at the nation spelling bee.
Tough Loss
Homestead's boys basketball team suffered a tough loss to Jay County friday night. Going into the game we were playing some of the best ball we have been all year with 6 wins in our last 7 games. Unfortunately things didn't bounce our way friday. Jay county got out to an early lead and we couldn't find our chemistry which allowed to beat some high quality teams. It also doesn't help when you only shot 20% from the field collectively, while the other team is shooting in the high 40s. It was a tough loss to a great season. It was alot of fun and hopefully will be back next year.
World War Z
Max Brooks
Literary Fiction
Pages 292-328
Once the world was able to establish safe zones throughout the world there was only one thing left to do, go on the attack. This will be the first time the world will enter into a total war. Most wars victor are decided by who can endure the most violence and suffering. But Zombies have no emotions and feel no pain. Zombies will fight never stop coming until they are all wiped out that's why so many people were scared to fight the billions of zombies across the world because there was no surrender. Todd was a marine grunt who was part of America's attack force. He was there at the battle of Yonkers where the U.S discover how horrifying their enemy was. He was also at the battle of Hope in New Mexico, America's first assault on the Zombie hoards. The military learned a lot from Yonkers they invested all their supplies and effort into manpower and ammo. The only vehicles that were at the battle were transporting Hum Vs that brought the grunts and ammo in. The grunts have been trained for this they formed a square shape around the supplies and ammo and when ready sounded the blow horn attracting the zombies. A constant chain of zombies arrived because on zombie moan attracts all surrounding zombies and that moan attracts more zombies even farther away. The first wave of zombies came in and the soldiers were able to take them out quick and efficiently, their motto was " 1 second for aiming, 1 shot to the head." Hundred of thousands of zombies stormed the area, but the soldiers killed them all Zombies had to start climbing over the wall of corpses that surround the square. This was the start of what would be a quick and efficient assault on the infected territories in America.
The United States was able to effectively kill thousands of Zombies with no casualties because of their training. Ever since Yonkers they have trained to properly fight of Zs. The United states military is very intelligent and I believed developed a proper system for tacking down the zombies. Also i believe that by the time the soldiers got to the fight that they would be able to effectively get head shots because of there training it was pure instinct at the time. This shows the the U.S can re train and adapt to any situation.
Literary Fiction
Pages 292-328
Once the world was able to establish safe zones throughout the world there was only one thing left to do, go on the attack. This will be the first time the world will enter into a total war. Most wars victor are decided by who can endure the most violence and suffering. But Zombies have no emotions and feel no pain. Zombies will fight never stop coming until they are all wiped out that's why so many people were scared to fight the billions of zombies across the world because there was no surrender. Todd was a marine grunt who was part of America's attack force. He was there at the battle of Yonkers where the U.S discover how horrifying their enemy was. He was also at the battle of Hope in New Mexico, America's first assault on the Zombie hoards. The military learned a lot from Yonkers they invested all their supplies and effort into manpower and ammo. The only vehicles that were at the battle were transporting Hum Vs that brought the grunts and ammo in. The grunts have been trained for this they formed a square shape around the supplies and ammo and when ready sounded the blow horn attracting the zombies. A constant chain of zombies arrived because on zombie moan attracts all surrounding zombies and that moan attracts more zombies even farther away. The first wave of zombies came in and the soldiers were able to take them out quick and efficiently, their motto was " 1 second for aiming, 1 shot to the head." Hundred of thousands of zombies stormed the area, but the soldiers killed them all Zombies had to start climbing over the wall of corpses that surround the square. This was the start of what would be a quick and efficient assault on the infected territories in America.
The United States was able to effectively kill thousands of Zombies with no casualties because of their training. Ever since Yonkers they have trained to properly fight of Zs. The United states military is very intelligent and I believed developed a proper system for tacking down the zombies. Also i believe that by the time the soldiers got to the fight that they would be able to effectively get head shots because of there training it was pure instinct at the time. This shows the the U.S can re train and adapt to any situation.
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