Monday, May 30, 2011

Last Blog

Pages Read: 1,868

1) Before this class I never read independently and would've never guessed it to be any fun. I know enjoy reading and enjoy reading Stephen King's books. I'll read in the car or before I go to bed for a half hour or so. I still don't enjoy reading books assigned by the school, but I've come to realize that doesn't mean I dislike all books and reading.

2)I read books about sports, action, and horror. Stephen King's horror/mystery books really intrigue me and I don't lose interest when reading them. I don't blog on a regular basis and found it to be very tedious, but was able to read the weekly amount,

3) I read in silence, at night in my room *desk or bed), or in the car. I lose myself in the reading and don't text constantly while reading. I don't talk about my book with anyone else I simply just enjoy reading it for myself.

4) I haven't read independently prior to this class, but I believe I will read more of Stephen King's books this summer.

5) I didn't expect poetry to be the main focus of this class. To be honest poetry isn't my favorite thing in the world and I really don't care for it. But this class showed me why poetry is so intriguing and can simply fascinate many people with it's deeper meaning.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christine #2

Stephen King
Literary Fiction

Arnie has become obsessed with the car. He took it down to Darnell's shop because he needs to fix it up to make it street legal. It's the lat few weeks of summer and it seems that Arnie is pushing Dennis away. Dennis has been spending more time with this cheerleader girl and doing more chores around the house. The only time he sees Arnie now it seems is at work. All Arnie talks about is her, Christine, and fixing her up and riding around town in her. Dennis has the same dream that night. The next day Denis sees Arnie all beat up and bruised, and ask what happened. Buddy a tough arrogant bully around school was pretty close with Darnell and brought in stolen cars to the shop. Well Buddy started to push Arnie around and trip him a few times, but Arnie didn't care. However, when Buddy busted Christine's head lights Arnie lost it and swung at him. Buddy starting pounding on Arnie, but Arnie didn't back down and started waling out at him landing a couple of shots and eventually like a mad man knocked him to the ground where Arnie continued to beat him. Darnell came out in the knick of time to stop Arnie form basically killing buddy. That day Lebbay suddenly died from a heart attack, the same day the headlight was broken.

I BELIEVE THAT Lebbay CAME TO ATTACHED TO Christine AND SOME MYSTICAL BOND WAS FORMED BETWEEN THEM. i TRULY DON'T KNOW IF ANYTHING IS OUT OF THE ORDINARY WITH THE CAR YET, BUT DENIS'S REOCCURRING DREAM IS really creeping me out. I am amazed that Arnie wouldn't stand up for himself but once Buddy hit Christine (the car) he completely lost it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Christine #1

Stephen king
Literary Fiction
Pages 1-32

Stephen King is by far my favorite author, and I would've never started to read his books if it weren't for this class. I honestly enjoy reading his books and find myself reading them instead of watching tv some nights. Christine is about a two friends Arnie (pretty much a very kind person, but a nerd) and Denis (a big time football player). One day when driving Arnie home from work they pass this car that is an old junker for sale on the road. Arnie immediately is attracted to the car and seems to fall in love with it. Dennis urges him not to buy it from the old man called Lebbay, but he does buy HER. Lebbay refereed to the car as Christine and never called it it, and instead addressed it as her. This really freaks Dennis out as Arnie starts to call the car Christine and Dennis gets a bad vibe from the car. Later that night Dennis has a bad dream of the car saying to "lets take a ride big guy," and Dennis refuses so Christine runs him over.

SO far i don't know where the story is going, but i really enjoy reading it. I love the idea of how the car is more than just an inanimate object and might be seen as a person. This is one of the better books i'v started to read this semester.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Night Shift #8

Stephen King
Literary Fiction
Pages 234-353

The Last Rung on the Ladder is a more depressing fear that could send someone into depression. Larry and Katrina were the closest siblings could get at a young age. Larry receives a letter from Katrina about a month after she committed suicide. Larry and Katrina grew up on a farm in Nebraska where the closest neighbor was 5 miles away. Larry grew up to become a big time lawyer, and move around allot (thats why he received her letter so late). While Katrina lived a rather depressing life as a substitute teacher, who was married twice and divorced twice. They played this game when there parents weren't home when they were young. They would clime up this old rusty rusty ladder to the top of the barn and jump down from the cross beam into a 50ft high hay stack. It was a normal day when they started doing it in the middle of the afternoon. IT was getting late and Larry said they would both do it one more time before their parents came home, but as Larry was at the top of the ladder he could hear the rungs cracking and felt as if the ladder was going to break. He quickly jumped down and was about to tell Katrina not to go up, but she was already halfway up by the time he got out of the haystack. She was almost at the top when the ladder broke, but was able to hang onto the last rung giving Larry sometime to place hay down so she could drop down safety. Well when Larry read the letter Katrina sent him it said, "I wish that the last rung on the ladder would've broke, things would be easier that way." The letter was dated 2 weeks before her suicide.

If I was Larry i don't know how i would cope with the depression and grief that would come from reading this letter. If only he would've stayed in contact with her or didn't move around as often she would most likely still be alive. Larry knows it to, that if he would've came to talk to her things would be better. I wouldn't be able to functions after reading a letter like that if my sister died.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Night Shift #7

Stephen King
Literary Fiction
Pages 206-234

Stephen King's short story, Children of The Corn, is easily one of my favorite stories in this book, maybe even better then the Bogeyman. Burt and Vicky are on a cross country road trip to California to hopefully rekindle their lost love before their marriage falls completely apart. Burt decides to take an exit of the turnpike to view the scenery of Nebraska, bad move. They drive on a open road surrounded by walls of corn stacks. For the past 2 hours of driving on the road Burt gets suspicious because they haven't passed one car. A boy came out of the corn filled all bloody and collapsed on the road. By the looks of it he was 18 and was killed by something in the cornfield. Burt plans to drop him off at the next town they come across. On the way to the town, they come across a very strange religious station, where it sounds like a young boy is preaching about the one who walks beyond the cornfield. They reach the small town to only find that there is no life in it. Burt can't accept the fact that something is wrong with the town and keeps looking around. In the bar he find that the calender hasn't been updated for 13 years. When he returns to the car he finds Vicky screaming as little kids with knives and axes take her away. He manages to kill one of them, but a whole swarm chases him. He heads into the corn field and runs for over 12 hours straight and eventually loses them. He then comes to an open patch in the corn field where he sees dead bodies crucified all of them looks like they just turned 18. He then saw Vicky who was brutally mutilated. He realized that these people where sacrificed but by who? He turns around and sees the one who walks beyond the cornfield.

The story in its entirety is very exciting and makes you think about all the small little towns out in the Midwest. I'm sure a town with a population of only around 50 people could vanish and our society wouldn't have a clue. Thats what is scary that an entire town was just wiped out in the middle of no where and nobody knew. There are counties in Nebraska and Iowa with very few people and only rows and rows of corn. The next time I pass a corn field I'll be thinking about the one who walks beyond the corn even if it is a made up story.. right?

Spiece Tournament

Got a basketball tournament this weekend lets go. We will be playing some very quality teams, hopefully we can get a couple wins. This is great practice for the upcoming varsity season at Homestead which should be promising. This year we are losing 6 seniors on the homestead team and only have 4 players returning to the varsity team, but still we have allot of young talent. My AAU team is very good, but the coach favors his son who is honestly not that good. Today we lost both of our games, both in OT, tomorrow should be better. Its hard to except allot this is our very first time playing with each other as a team.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Anthology Poems

Contrasting Theme: Warm Weather V. Cold Weather

Last Snow

Ice Bound

The Snow Man

“Alone I stare into the frost’s white face”


**Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening** (Video, Lonely winter cold)