Monday, May 16, 2011

Christine #1

Stephen king
Literary Fiction
Pages 1-32

Stephen King is by far my favorite author, and I would've never started to read his books if it weren't for this class. I honestly enjoy reading his books and find myself reading them instead of watching tv some nights. Christine is about a two friends Arnie (pretty much a very kind person, but a nerd) and Denis (a big time football player). One day when driving Arnie home from work they pass this car that is an old junker for sale on the road. Arnie immediately is attracted to the car and seems to fall in love with it. Dennis urges him not to buy it from the old man called Lebbay, but he does buy HER. Lebbay refereed to the car as Christine and never called it it, and instead addressed it as her. This really freaks Dennis out as Arnie starts to call the car Christine and Dennis gets a bad vibe from the car. Later that night Dennis has a bad dream of the car saying to "lets take a ride big guy," and Dennis refuses so Christine runs him over.

SO far i don't know where the story is going, but i really enjoy reading it. I love the idea of how the car is more than just an inanimate object and might be seen as a person. This is one of the better books i'v started to read this semester.

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