Monday, May 2, 2011

Night Shift #4

Stephen King
Literary Fiction
Pages 117-142

Have you ever wondered what would happen if automobiles somehow managed to come alive and hunted down humans. Think about it how would you stop an 18 wheeler truck who has no emotions and feels no pain. Thats what happens in King's short story Tucks. A couple of people are eating a truck stop when all over a sudden their vehicles start to move without anyone inside them. They watch as one of the truck drivers is run downed by a speeding truck and splattered across the road. They wait there for many days and believe that they can wait for months with the food available. But they soon realize no one is coming for them and more trucks pull into the station without drivers. They circle the store and then one of them just stops dead.... Gas. The cars needed gas and couldn't pump it themselves. Thus the people thought they would be safe, but they were wrong the truck rammed into the building breaking it down and surrounded the people. The truck played mores-code threw their stereos telling one of them to pump gas. At first they disobeyed then one of them was instantly run over. There life was then devoted to pumping gas for the vehicles around the world.

I can only wonder if everyone around the world was doing this. If i was them i would try to hop into one of the truck and see what happens. I also wonder what would happen if you tried to do that? Its a scary thought, millions of vehicles becoming aggressive towards humans killing them on sight.

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