Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christine #2

Stephen King
Literary Fiction

Arnie has become obsessed with the car. He took it down to Darnell's shop because he needs to fix it up to make it street legal. It's the lat few weeks of summer and it seems that Arnie is pushing Dennis away. Dennis has been spending more time with this cheerleader girl and doing more chores around the house. The only time he sees Arnie now it seems is at work. All Arnie talks about is her, Christine, and fixing her up and riding around town in her. Dennis has the same dream that night. The next day Denis sees Arnie all beat up and bruised, and ask what happened. Buddy a tough arrogant bully around school was pretty close with Darnell and brought in stolen cars to the shop. Well Buddy started to push Arnie around and trip him a few times, but Arnie didn't care. However, when Buddy busted Christine's head lights Arnie lost it and swung at him. Buddy starting pounding on Arnie, but Arnie didn't back down and started waling out at him landing a couple of shots and eventually like a mad man knocked him to the ground where Arnie continued to beat him. Darnell came out in the knick of time to stop Arnie form basically killing buddy. That day Lebbay suddenly died from a heart attack, the same day the headlight was broken.

I BELIEVE THAT Lebbay CAME TO ATTACHED TO Christine AND SOME MYSTICAL BOND WAS FORMED BETWEEN THEM. i TRULY DON'T KNOW IF ANYTHING IS OUT OF THE ORDINARY WITH THE CAR YET, BUT DENIS'S REOCCURRING DREAM IS really creeping me out. I am amazed that Arnie wouldn't stand up for himself but once Buddy hit Christine (the car) he completely lost it.

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